Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 Officers For 2017

The Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 Officers for 2017 were Installed at the Joint Installation of Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 and Pacific Rim Chapter, No. 44, held on 17 November 2017 at the Sooke Masonic Temple in Sooke, B.C.

Tzouhalem Chapter's Principals for 2017. EC Rick Mellson (left), EC Paul Philcox (center), EC Bob Crawford (right) at the Joint Installation held in Sooke on 17 November 2016
Tzouhalem Chapter’s Principals for 2017. EC Rick Mellson (left), EC Paul Philcox (center), EC Bob Crawford (right) at the Joint Installation held in Sooke on 17 November 2016
Tzouhalem Chapter's Principals for 2017 with the Grand Principal. EC Rick Mellson (left), MEC Godfrey Onymaobi (Grand First Principal), EC Paul Philcox (second from right), EC Bob Crawford (right) at the Joint Installation held in Sooke on 17 November 2016
Tzouhalem Chapter’s Principal Officers for 2017 with the Grand First Principal. EC Rick Mellson (left), MEC Godfrey Onymaobi (Grand First Principal), EC Paul Philcox (second from right), EC Bob Crawford (right) at the Joint Installation held in Sooke on 17 November 2016

The Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 Installed Officers for 2017 are:

  • EC Paul Philcox——1st. Principal
  • EC Rick Mellson—–2nd. Principal
  • EC Bob Crawford—-3rd. Principal
  • VEC Ron Coulter——–Scribe Ezra and Treasurer
  • CMP George Kilvington——Principal Sojourner
  • CMP Ken Swain—————Senior Sojourner
  • EC Don Cummingham——-Junior Sojourner
The following Officers of Tzouhalem Chapter, No. 26 are to be Installed at a later date:
  • REC Danny Dyke—————-Director of Ceremonies
  • EC John Fenmore-Collins——Scribe Nehemiah and Historian
  • REC Richard Nesbitt———–Tyler

 Our newly Installed First principal, EC Paul Philcox reports that “the Companions of Pacific Rim Chapter, No. 44 did a grand job of organizing the Installation Ceremony which was attended by 10 Companions from Tzouhalem #26, the Grand Lodge 1st. Principal, MEC Godfrey Onymaobi and his Grand Council, plus the Companions of Pacific Rim Chapter No. 44, for a total of 45 Companions. A significant turnout which added greatly to the Ceremonies success.

Of note, was Stan Grenda’s attendance, who despite his loss of vision is still a committed Companion.”

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Some Historical Education on the Royal Arch

For those interested in exploring and researching the Royal Arch here is an article we have reproduced from

The Royal Arch – part of Pure and Ancient Freemasonry

 If we want to understand Freemasonry, we must not only study the history of our Order, but also look carefully at the history of the period – the last almost 300 years – during which Masonry gradually changed from its original character as an operative organization to the great universal speculative organization, which we have today.

I think it is safe to say that it is useless to look for any acceptable evidence of Masonic development outside the group of countries, which came under the heading of British Isles, prior to the establishment of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717.

Since that time, of course, Freemasonry has spread to the Continent of Europe and all over the world, but the basis of Craft Freemasonry as we know it, is the reflection of the ancient teachings and philosophy as perceived by the British people.

For the proper consideration of my subject, I find necessary to very briefly recapitulate the History of freemasonry as far as it is known.

The old Craft Guilds of Masons, commonly called Lodges because it was the practice of the masons to erect on the site where any major building operation was to be carried out, a shelter, called a Lodge, and these shelters served not only as places of work in the operative sense, but in them the Masons met for purposes of discussion, particularly when they where assembled as an organization to deal with some matter affecting the whole body.  These organizations gradually changed their character during the 16th & 17th centuries; there were several influences at work which brought this about:

  1. The enthusiasm for ecclesiastical building was dying out;
  2. The government of the days was opposed to Craft Guilds, because the members, being bound together by special ties which separated them from the rest of the community provided conditions in which opposition to Government measures might be organized.

Over a period of about 150 years, the Masons’ Lodges gradually ceased to be organizations primarily concerned with operative Masonry, and the membership became entirely of the type of people we can now describe as Speculative Masons. Historians have offered various explanations of this change in character of the Masons Lodges; Probably the most satisfactory explanation is the practice of inviting some distinguished and powerful person to grant them his patronage; This led to the admission of the Patron as a member, who could be a protector and a helper in the event of the Lodge becoming involved in a dispute with either Church or Government  authorities.

The real start of Freemasonry as we know it today, was made with the formation of the Grand Lodge of England in 1717; As we all know, this Grand Lodge was formed by four Lodges in London, and gradually Lodges in other parts of England joined up this Sovereign Body and tendered to it  their allegiance. But, let us never overlook the fact that Freemasonry was not just built up by granting Charters for new Lodges; its real strength in its early years came from the old lodges which had been in existence for a long period, and all came to join with the Grand Lodge after its formation. Development in Scotland and Ireland followed on the same lines.

The old Lodges  being independent organizations  had varying kinds of ceremonial; probably the only thing they had entirely in common, was the rule by a Master and two Wardens and of course the classification of their members  as Entered Apprentices  and Fellows of the Craft – that being a continuation of the organization  of lodges in the operative  days.

The development of Ceremonial and the use of Allegory and Symbols to express ideas went apace after the formation of the Grand Lodges of England, Scotland and Ireland and it certainly seems that it was a system that appealed to the imagination of many and filled a long felt need. Lodges existed mainly in old and established cities.  Means of communication being very scarce: bad roads, no mechanical means of transportation, no postal services, nothing which represents today the array of choices that modern life has provided to us, consequently in such an environment the lodges were quite isolated and this resulted in a much greater freedom of action.  If some individual or group of individuals introduced new ideas into existing ceremonials, provided they appealed to the majority of members, they might easily become the accepted practice of a Lodge without the Grand Lodge knowing about the matter until well established.

There seems to be no doubt that this is the explanation of the rise of many Degrees which appeared in the early part of the 18th Century.

Two powerful factors influencing the development of “thought” on the lines in which it is presented in Freemasonry, were the introduction of Rosicrucianism into England about 1614 and the re-entry of Jews which began about 1640. A fact very often completely overlooked by historians is that all Jews were evacuated from England about 1290 – in the reign of Edward I – and the laws against them remained in force for hundreds of years. It is only during the period of Cromwell’s rule, that Jews began to drift back to England, and no objection to their coming was raised.  The laws against them still stood on the Statutes Book but were not enforced. The reason for their coming was to escape persecution on the Continent. We must remember also that the Jewish people who came in these times to England, were mostly cultured and highly educated. Consequently their ideas and their outlook would have an influence upon the society in which they mixed in the land of their adoption.  Many of them were refugees from Spain and Portugal.  In these countries the Jews had been very strong during the two previous centuries, and their Cabalistic teaching and influence had greatly developed.

I mention all this because it helps us to understand what will follow in regard to the development of the Degree which is the subject of my talk.

It seems fairly certain that in the early development of Speculative Freemasonry, there were only two Degrees, namely Apprentice and Fellowcraft, following along the lines of the old operative organizations in which there were only two classifications. It is quite certain from early records that Fellowcrafts could hold senior office, like that of Warden, and could be elected Master; consequently, it is clear that being a Master in masonry was not in the earlier stages a Degree, and I am of the opinion that any impartial thinker looking only at the two first Degrees, representing as they do – birth and life, from the mental or spiritual angle, must see the closing in the Second Degree as a climax to the teaching of both.

It is a fact acknowledged by all the dependable historians that the 3rd Degree, as we know it, is of relatively modern origin; this fact, however, does not in any way detract from the value of this Sublime Degree.

An important factor to be kept in mind is the struggle which was in evidence in Masonry throughout the 18th Century; on one hand we find the Moderns  – the lodges owning earliest allegiance to the Grand Lodge formed in London in 1717, and the Ancients formed a little later also in London under Irish influence.   The very use of the word “Antient” is sufficient to link these Masons with Rosicrucian teachings, but there were two other particularly powerful factors at work upon the Masonic structure, namely the York masons and at a later date the Antient and Accepted Rite.  The latter, though it appears to have originated in Scotland, had its full development on the Continent and in America, reaching Britain as a complete and very elaborate system of Masonry.

This, finally brings me to the real subject of my talk, namely the Degree of the holy Royal Arch,

But let’s start from the beginning.   When the Grand Lodge of England was formed in 1717, nothing was known of the Royal Arch Degree, and as far as the legends of the fraternity are concerned, it was non existent. In the year 1737, some of the members of the grand Lodge of England became dissatisfied with the ways its affairs were being conducted and seceding, set up a Grand Lodge of their own calling themselves “Ancients”, in contrast with the lawful Grand Lodge which they called sarcastically “the Modern”, because of the innovations adopted contrary to the expectations of the conservative Ancients.

(By the way, the schismatic Grand Lodge of the Ancients, became known afterwards as the Athol Grand Lodge, as the Duke of Athol had been for many years, its Grand Master.)  Following the secession, the Moderns changed the modes of recognition to prevent any attempt of the Ancients to enter their Lodges.  At this point in time the charge has also been set up that Laurence Dermott and Thomas Dunckerley had taken something from the 3rd Degree and made out of it, the Royal Arch.

The exact source of the legend of the Royal Arch is not known, other than its relation to the return of part of the exile from Babylon to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. The degree itself might have been conceived in the fertile brain of Thomas Dunckerley  for the principal reason that the Ancient sought to give to their separate body a prestige which was not possessed by the Moderns or by the Grand Lodge of England.

The Royal Arch Degree did not appear until some twenty or thirty years after the formation of the Grand Lodge of England, clearly proving that any mutilation of the 3rd Degree for the creation of the Royal Arch is pure fiction. It is also true that there was not despoliation of the Fellow Craft Degree in order to create the Mark Master Mason Degree. Both degrees were fixed in the system and promulgated by the Ancients and there is even no question that they were practiced by them until the Union of the Two Grand Lodges in 1813.

When the grand reconciliation between the major organizations of the Masonic world in England took place in 1813, the Royal Arch was accepted according to the Book of Constitutions as part of Pure and Ancient Freemasonry, not as a Fourth Degree, but very definitely as the completion of the Third Degree, and as such it remained in our annals. I think that any unprejudiced researcher in Freemasonry must agree that this was a happy compromise rather than a statement of fact; on the one hand the Moderns would have nothing to do with any system of Masonry comprising more than three degrees; on the other the Antients were so concerned for the retention of the Royal Arch that without some compromise union would not have been possible.

Much controversy has raged amongst those interested in Masonic history as to the origin of the Holy Royal Arch, and many lovely theories have been produced, but as the historian Robert Freke Gould has pointed out – and he is no mean authority – the earliest unchallengeable evidence of its existence dates from about 1740, and the fact of its association with the Antients and also the origin of the Lodges in which it was first worked, indicate definite York and Irish influences.

The Degree is entirely Jewish in its concept but it is certainly not strictly true to Jewish history. We can surely say that it uses some Jewish references to create a Legend based on an episode of the history of the Jews. The structure of its ceremonies and ideas is taken from the Bible. It claims to give the genuine secrets of a Master Mason and this obviously comes from the same source as the ideas expressed as the climax of the 3rd Degree.  The two Degrees are definitely interwoven, although many thinking Freemasons claim that the Third degree is complete in itself if properly understood.

Another reason why the Royal Arch cannot be regarded as history is that it has different settings in different countries; with us, the setting is the rebuilding of the Temple at the time of Zerubbabel, but under the Irish  system, which probably is the original, as well as in many parts  of America, the setting is the restoration of King Solomon’s  original Temple under King Josiah, but in either case the association of characters and many statements made in the traditional and legendary history are not in accord with historical fact.

If we understand Freemasonry and the messages it conveys, we must always bear in mind that its purpose is not to present history or science with precision, but an idea of what is behind the universe as we see it. And sometimes rather romantic legends are created…

The important point is that in The Royal Arch, as indeed in all Degrees of Freemasonry, the secrets are only a small matter; it is the idea or the philosophy presented by the degree as a whole that really matters;  The most elaborate ceremony, the most splendid dressing and the most beautiful language are really valueless, unless as a whole they convey to the human mind something of profound importance which is beyond the mere spoken word to convey, and by this criterion the holy Royal Arch very definitely answers the challenge. There is no doubt that the early development of Freemasonry was an attempt to express grand moral ideas on the basis of a very broad conception of God, a concept as broad as that adopted by the Royal Society which was founded  about 50 years  before the first Grand Lodge, that is around 1668.

It is obvious, however, that it was very soon found that a broad moral concept would not satisfy everybody, and it became necessary to provide something as nearly approaching spiritual expression as is presented in religious worship, but without introducing anything that could become controversial – remember, controversy had been the curse of religious life for the previous 200 years. In Craft Freemasonry, the Bible is referred to as the Volume of the Sacred Law, but the Bible is not read in Lodge; it puzzled me for many years what would be the reason for not doing so. I reached the conclusion that it is out of fear of introducing controversy.

The compilers of the Ritual took every care to avoid anything that could be connected with religious opinions. There is that allusion in the Lecture on the First Degree Tracing Board, to SCRIPTURE: “In scripture called Jacob’s ladder” – most interesting.  You will notice that Jacob’s Ladder is spoken of as “in Scripture” and not “in the V.of the S.L.”, although the two are one and the same thing. As soon as we pass from the craft degree to other degrees of Masonry, we find a different attitude; in almost all – some part of the Scripture is read, and it is obvious that many of the Ceremonies of the Order concerned are built around these passages of Scripture, which are read.

This is particularly true of the Royal Arch, and I can safely say that there is nothing to be found in the whole structure of Universal Freemasonry, so near to religious expression as the ceremonies of the Royal Arch. In the course of the ceremony several passages of Scripture are read, with special emphasis on the idea of the search for wisdom; not as a means of understanding the material world but the mystical world; the background of the Universe, the inspiration given by the Deity we serve.

A companion of the Royal Arch is admitted into the mystical body of elders and is constituted a Prince and a Ruler. No sensible person will think for a moment that admission into a Masonic Order makes him a Prince and a Ruler in the sense in which those terms are used in our ordinary political and social structures of society. Therefore, the implication must be that he has been introduced into a world of another kind, at a different level that has to do with his mind and soul, not with material values.

On the Jewel of the Order are the words “Nil nisi clavis de est” – nothing but a key is needed – which, if properly understood, means, “everything is here, all you need is the right key to obtain access to it”.

One must not expect, however, to find in this Degree something magical that will provide without any further mental effort the solution of all the problems in life.  The great object of the degree is to point the way to true wisdom.

The Royal Arch, definitely enable us to see – in the spiritual sense – the right direction that leads to superior understanding.

A properly constituted organization of Royal Arch Masons is called a Chapter; I think this term must have been adopted because of its use in connection with organizations within the Church, and that it implies concentration on mystical and spiritual things rather than upon practical work as implied by the use of the word Lodge.

I would like to conclude with the statement that, in my opinion, the Mason who is not a Royal Arch Mason, lacks something of very great value  in so far as a clear understanding of Freemasonry is concerned .

The above paper was presented By Rt. Wor. Bro. J Haffner, PAGM. Past Librarian Grand Lodge of NSW & ACT (Australia)



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Joint Installation – Tzouhalem Chapter No. 26 & Pacific Rim Chapter No. 44

Tzouhalem Chapter No. 26 will be holding a Joint Installation with Pacific Rim Chapter No. 44 on 17 November 2016 at the Sooke Masonic Lodge Hall,  6544 Throup Road Sooke, B.C.

Chapter will open at 5:00 p.m. Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m.

For more information and/or to RSVP please contact Ron Coulter at

An Invitation To Master Masons From The Order of the Holy Royal Arch

“And God said “Let there be Light” and there was Light”:–Gen. 1:8.

 An Invitation to Master Masons


The Order of the Holy Royal Arch


DECLARATION:  1—By the solemn act of union between the two Grand Lodges of Freemasons of England in December 1813, it was declared and pronounced that pure Ancient Masonry consists of three Degrees and no more, viz., those of  the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.

This pamphlet has received the approval of the Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of British Columbia & Yukon


The following is designed to guide the steps of the Master Mason into that channel that will lead him to the apex of Craft Masonry, the Holy Royal Arch.

It is intended to dispel any idea that it is nonessential, and to show that the knowledge and education of a Master Mason remains in an incomplete state until the Great Discovery is made in the Degree of the Holy Royal Arch.


“The stone which the builders refused is become
The headstone of the corner”—Psalms 118: 22

It was customary for Operative Masons to select for themselves a Mark, to be placed upon every piece of work wrought by them. Each Mark was distinctive. These Marks may be seen today on the stones in Old Cathedrals of Europe. A report made to the Grand Mark Lodge of England states “There is probably no Degree in Freemasonry that can lay claim to greater antiquity than this one.” The Degree is controlled in England by the Grand Mark Lodge. In Scotland, United States and Canada, it is vested in the Grand Royal Arch Chapters.

The lessons of the Degree are intensely practical, emphasizing the great requirements in Life, namely, Qualification and Service.


“I will commit the government into his hands”—Isaiah 22: 21

The introduction of this Degree into Royal Arch Masonry rests in the fact that originally, the Royal Arch Degree was conferred only on those who had been elected as Worshipful Masters of Craft Lodges, and had presided six months as Worshipful Master of some regular warranted Lodge.  This limitation or restriction was removed in the late Twentieth Century by permitting others than Actual Past Masters to receive the Holy Royal Arch Degree.

In the Grand Chapter of British Columbia & Yukon this Degree is NOT required in the advancement to the Royal Arch Mason Degree, however, for historical reasons, “The Past Master Degree” (Scottish Ritual) is still conferred by Columbia No 1 Chapter Victoria BC.

This Degree is conferred once annually and open to all Companions. Details are available from the Scribe Ezra (Secretary) of that Chapter.

The lessons taught are that Obedience to Authority is proof against Anarchy, and he who would teach must first learn to obey.


 “The King and all the people dedicated the House of God”—2 Chron.  7:  4.

 This Degree is associated with the completion and dedication of King Solomon’s Temple.  It is one of the most impressive Degrees in the series.  Its Ceremonies are sublimely spiritual, and its symbolism is a fitting prelude to that of the Holy Royal Arch.

Its lessons are Worship, Adoration, and Self-abnegation.


 “The Lord gave the Word, Great was the company of those that published it” –Psalms 68: 11.

This Degree takes its origin from circumstances surrounding the building of the Second Temple, 500 years after the dedication of King Solomon’s Temple, which had been destroyed by the Babylonians, and the people carried away captive to Babylon.  Zerrubabel, a Prince of the House of Judah, was born in captivity, and in his upbringing he became a great friend of the youthful Prince Cyrus, who when he became King, liberated the Jews and assisted Zerrubabel in the rebuilding of the Second Temple.  He is one of the finest characters depicted in Freemasonry, whose loyalty to his God and to his people are outstanding characteristics.  Under his direction, the Second Temple was built, assisted by Haggai the Prophet and Joshua the High Priest.  These titles are given to the three presiding officers of our Chapter—Zerrubabel, Haggai, and Joshua.  In some other jurisdictions the titles vary.

The whole of the ceremonies, founded on Biblical and Traditional history as they are, are most impressive and elevating.  The Ancient Robes of the officers, the Banners of the twelve tribes, the elaborate symbolism, all lend a dignity and interest which no other Degree in Freemasonry can approach, and every Master Mason when he reaches the climax in Freemasonry in this Supreme Degree, feels a satisfaction and joy such as he has not before experienced in any of the preceding Degrees.

The late distinguished Companion, Lord Ampthill, Pro First Grand Principal of the Grand Chapter of England said this:

“I call the Royal Arch Degree the “Keystone of Freemasonry” Pure Antient Freemasonry, it is Declared, consists of three degrees and no more, Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason, including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.  Its adoption is a vital part of our System.”

 The great lessons of the Degree are Humility, Loyalty, Service without Hope of Reward, Brotherly Love or Companionship.


 It is the duty of every Royal Arch Mason to assist in placing the feet of the Master Mason on the path that leads him onward and upward to that destiny that has awaited him ever since he was invested with the Substituted Secrets of a Master Mason, and to tell him of something of what he is to expect in his further search for Masonic Truth.

This is the mission of this short informative article.  When you as a Master Mason become interested and are prepared to move upward and onward you will find all Royal Arch Masons ready and glad to lend the helping hand.

“Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding”—Prov. 3: 13.

“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter; Fear God and keep His commandments for this is the whole DUTY of man”—Eccl.  12:  13

If you would like more information on the Holy Royal Arch, please feel free to Contact Us.

A Brief History of Royal Arch Masonry

M.E.C. Norm McEvoy has circulated this interesting article on the history and origins of Royal Arch Masonry. In the interest of getting a wider audience for this article, Tzouhalem Chapter, No.26 is posting it here as a blog post as well as on a permanent web page on our site.

A History of Royal Arch Masonry  

 Author unknown

No event in the history of speculative Freemasonry has had so important an influence upon its development as a system of symbolism as the invention of the ROYAL ARCH degree and its introduction into Masonic ritual.

The Masonic system of symbolism, as now constituted, presents us with a triple series of antagonisms:

  • 1. that of ignorance and knowledge;
  • 2. that of darkness and light;
  • 3. that of loss and recovery.

ROYAL ARCH has to do with number 3, that is the antagonism of loss and recovery when symbolized by death and resurrection, and where the ending of the present life and the beginning of future life is perfectly represented in the Master Masons degree.  Continue reading A Brief History of Royal Arch Masonry

William Waldon (1869-1946) – Charter Member and Our First 1st Principal

William Waldon (1869-1946) was a Charter member of Tzouhalem Chapter, No.26 in 1928 and served as our first 1st Principal in 1928. Also see our webpage on William Waldon.

He was also a member of Temple Lodge, No. 33. Before becoming a member of Temple Lodge, No. 33, Worshipful Brother William Waldon was a member of Marquis of Ripon Lodge, No. 837 in England. He served as Worshipful Master of that Lodge in 1899. He was also a charter member of De Cataret Lodge, No. 3459, St. Helier, Jersey.

Worshipful Brother Waldon’s son, Robert Bulmer Waldon, was also a member of Temple Lodge, No.33, serving as Worshipful Master of the Lodge in 1934.  Continue reading William Waldon (1869-1946) – Charter Member and Our First 1st Principal

John Stanley Dyke – Past Grand 1st Principal

John Stanley Dyke (died 1972, aged 75) was 1st Principal of Tzouhalem Chapter No.26 in 1949 and Worshipful Master of Temple Lodge, No.33 in 1950. He was a Past 1st Principal of Royal Arch Masons of B.C. & Yukon.

John Stanley Dyke, 1st Principal of Tzouhalem Chapter, No.26 in 1949
John Stanley Dyke, 1st Principal of Tzouhalem Chapter, No.26 in 1949 (photo copyright Tzouhalem Chapter No.25)

Here is his 1972 obituary from the Cowichan Leader newspaper: Continue reading John Stanley Dyke – Past Grand 1st Principal

Donald Edward Kerr – another Charter member of Tzouhalem Chapter

Most Worshipful Brother Donald Edward Kerr was born in Woodstock Ontario in 1862. He was initiated, passed and raised in Corinthian Lodge, No. 27, Rossland, B.C., in 1898.

He moved to Duncan, B.C. where he practised as a dental surgeon. He affiliated with Temple Lodge, No. 33 in 1919 and remained a member until his death in 1943. He was a charter member of Tzouhalem Chapter, No.26 in 1928. He  also served as Grand Master of B.C. in 1930-31.

Most Worshipful Brother Donald Edward Kerr as Grand Master of B.C. & Yukon, 1930
Most Worshipful Brother Donald Edward Kerr as Grand Master of B.C. & Yukon, 1930 (photo: Grand Lodge of B.C.&Yukon)

Here is a brief biographical sketch of Most Worshipful Brother Donald Edward Kerr, taken from various sources: Continue reading Donald Edward Kerr – another Charter member of Tzouhalem Chapter