Lunch Meeting At Arbutus Ridge, 2 August 2019, 11:45 a.m.


There will be a luncheon meeting of Tzouhalem Chapter No. 26 at Arbutus Ridge at 11:45 am on Friday, 2 August 2019.

It would be nice to have as many as possible attend because, along with lunch, there is Chapter business to do.

Please reply to me by noon, Wednesday 31 July 2019 noon so we can reserve spaces.

Hope to see you out.

Scribe Ezra

Here is a map showing the location of Arbutus Ridge:



Tzouhalem Chapter No. 26 Regular Convocation For March 2019 – 19 March 2019

The next Regular Convocation of Tzouhalem Chapter No. 26 will be held at the Duncan Masonic Temple , 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, on Tuesday, 19 March 2019 at 6:30 pm. Please note that our Festive Board will be held before the meeting at 5:30 pm.

All Visiting Companions are very welcome to attend.

Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C.
Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue, Duncan, B.C.

For Visiting Companions, here is a map showing the location of Duncan Masonic Temple, 163 Canada Avenue in downtown Duncan.

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